Friday, March 10, 2006

Nancy Elizabeth Cordero.

This is Mario and Mauris little girl, I believe she is only one month old. She is very cute as you can see!!!

Janna and McKenzie

this was taken the day of McKenzie's second birthday, she got a bike for her birthday.

On the new road to Dubuque

This is the partof the road to Dubuque that took so long to fix, they say it is the deepest cut they had to do in the midwest.!! The good thing is now it only takes 20 minutes to get there and the trip is very enjoyable.!!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Can you guess where this was taken? Is'nt that sunset just the most beautiful "piece of art" God has giving us!!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


This was taken this week after a very big snow fall, this was made by a big angel. Can you guess who? I'll give you some clues.... he is the best husband, he is the best father and he is my best friend!!!!!!!!

the beach!

WHO is excited to come to visit???! :-D

ps. take note: this was taken in FEBRUARY!! (or maybe march?)